On occasions, a payment fails online due to additional security checks not being passed. Your bank initially approves the money in your account, but because the booking did not process we would not take the money. You do not need to take any action, simply monitor your account and you will soon see the transaction disappear.
Articles in this section
- How do I use my Kellogg's 2 for 1 voucher online
- What payment method can I use when booking online?
- How does the time slot system work and what time should I arrive?
- Will I get a full ride if I select the last time slot?
- I'm having issues booking online, what should I do?
- How can I pay for my Tickets?
- I have two paid bookings, what should I do?
- Why has my payment failed?
- How do I remove tickets from my basket?
- I failed payment security screening - what should I do?